Get the E-Book and Take Control of Your Future by Fixing Your Background Check Report

Like it, agree with it, hate it and/or complain about it – we’re all stuck with our data. That’s reality.

What most people don’t know is that they have rights. But first you have to understand how the “data game” is being played.

“You and Your Data” explains how data is gathered, how it’s used by employers in their hiring processes and why. This will help you manage what your data says about you.

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Praise for “You and Your Data”

John has written a practical, no-nonsense guide to understanding how background checks work and how your past looks to potential employers based on the information about you that is now available from the internet. The information in this book should be very helpful to those who want to know how to deal with the record of a mistake in their past and how to clean their record of inaccuracies. Also, young adults who don’t realize the impact that bad judgment, and its consequences, can have on their future. If you have teenage children, have them read this book. – Kurt Helm, Ph.D.
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More praise for “You and Your Data”

“If you bought this book, it may be because you missed a job opportunity and don’t know why. Perhaps you do know why and you want to know what you can do about it. Either way, if there is one absolute in this process, it is that proactively trying to solve the problem is the only way to make it better. I can guarantee this: No one will come to your door and offer to help.”

“Employers now have access to detailed information related to a case, including indictments and investigation reports. Retrieving that data could take a few days but it can also be completed in minutes. These reports will tell the complete version of the story—as only the police can—and it will not be pretty.”

“The information within these chapters will help dispel the myths about data as well as offer practical advice on how to access your data profile and regain control by knowing your rights.”

“Your data is everywhere. Getting to the source of the original data is the first step in your challenge to update or correct the “original” record—whether that source is a county courthouse, state repository, or private company. From there, it is still an uphill battle.”

“Anonymity no longer exists and there is no escaping that fact. It’s like a bad movie. Perhaps if you had decided, prior to 1990, to stop working and began living in a manner that made you completely self-sufficient, you might be able to get off the grid. The question is: Can you stay off?”